

World-class musicians in your home

Welcome to the Concerts in Caversham video library, where you can enjoy some of our favourite performers from the comfort of your own home.

Below you can watch a series of stunning short recitals all recorded in the church during various stages of lockdown in 2021. Emily Hultmark, principal bassoon in the Philharmonia Orchestra; Robert Vanryne, trumpet and cornet player extraordinaire; Susanna Fairbairn, a wonderfully versatile soprano; as well as oboist Timothy Watts, cellist Naomi Watts, violist Morgan Goff and solo pianist Ariel Lanyi – prize winner in the most recent Leeds International Piano Competition. Adrienne Black is the accompanist in all of the recitals.

If you enjoy these recordings, please consider making a donation to Concerts in Caversham using the button below so we can continue to bring world-class musicians to your doorstep.